Meet the Artist

Gill Allderman has been engaged in the practice of art-making for most of her life. In 2021, she completed a Postgraduate Diploma with distinction from the University of Cape Town’s Michaelis School of Fine Art. She spends most days in her studio, where she has exhibited her work and aspires to continue doing so indefinitely. As a contemporary artist, Allderman primarily works with oils and mixed media.
Currently, she is focusing on domestic surfaces and textures, unraveling the woven tapestry of life layer by layer. Her work combines and juxtaposes domestic materials – such as cloths, mats, used fabrics, and doilies – with traditional high art materials. This approach creates a quality that seeks both space and meaning, while also attempting to reveal the lost history and inherent usefulness of these mundane domestic materials.
@alldermanart | @AlldermanPOPUPgallery